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How to Beat Brain Fog

How to Beat Brain Fog

Brain fog. It can feel like your brain short circuits; you struggle to find words; you have difficulty focusing on tasks and concentrating; you ‘space out;’ or you have trouble keeping up with conversations– or even reading this paragraph. Brain fog...
Is a Ketogenic Diet Right for You?

Is a Ketogenic Diet Right for You?

Ketogenic diets are all the rage right now, unless you’re reading this in 2027, in which case, ketogenic diets were all the rage in 2017. My clients and even friends are starting to ask me about “going keto,” because they’ve heard it will help...
Eat Smart, Think Smart: My Top 5 Brain Foods

Eat Smart, Think Smart: My Top 5 Brain Foods

5.3 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease, and more than 16 million Americans will have the disease by 2050. One-third of Americans over age 85 (some statistics say as many as a HALF) are afflicted with the illness. (source) Alzheimer’s has been...
Overcome Depression Naturally

Overcome Depression Naturally

  It’s estimated that 22% of adults 18 and older suffer with depression. This is nearly 50 million Americans (source). Women experience depression at twice the rate of men, no matter their race or social status. According to the CDC, the following groups are...
Eat for Brain Health: How to Nourish Your Noggin

Eat for Brain Health: How to Nourish Your Noggin

We hear so much about taking good care of our heart or liver (the hardest working organs!), but how many of us know how to take good care of our brain? While not the largest organ (that honor goes to the liver, internally, and the skin, externally), the brain is...