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Mindfulness 101: How to Tune into Your Body

Mindfulness 101: How to Tune into Your Body

We hear a lot about mindfulness in the wellness realm. Eat mindfully, be mindful day to day, have a mindful meditation practice. I often encourage my clients to tune in and be mindful of their hunger cues while eating. But in a culture that subliminally encourages us...
10 + Ways to Relax

10 + Ways to Relax

Do you often feel tense, angry, or anxious? These are signs that your fight-or-flight mode is working overtime, and your sympathetic nervous system is activated. The sympathetic nervous system includes parts of your brain that detect and respond to threats and stress,...
What I’ve Learned about Meditation

What I’ve Learned about Meditation

I’ve always romanticized meditation and longed to be grounded and spiritual. For most of my life, my monkey mind often controlled me with flitting thoughts that would take hold, often triggering anxiety or causing me to spiral into worry or shame....
How to Be Focused, Grounded, and Centered All Day

How to Be Focused, Grounded, and Centered All Day

Many of my clients rush through their mornings scattered, no time for breakfast, running to catch the bus or get to the car so they’re not late for work. The first thing they grab in the morning is their iPhone to check messages, email, and facebook. They slurp...
How to Make Yourself Happy in Seven Easy Steps

How to Make Yourself Happy in Seven Easy Steps

Have you ever just woken up in a bad mood? Or maybe you’re having a day when nothing’s going right. I had a rotten day yesterday. Instead of doing something proactive about it, I indulged in it. Didn’t help much! I’m all for identifying...