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Is Meat Killing Us (and the Planet)?

Is Meat Killing Us (and the Planet)?

A recent article bashing consumption of animal protein published in the New York Times by Dr Dean Ornish is causing a frenzy. Similar studies crop up every so often, the latest indicating that red meat is high in Neu5Gc, a tumor-forming sugar that is linked to chronic...
Will Red Meat Kill You?

Will Red Meat Kill You?

This Very Important Study was recently published in the Archives of Internal Medicine and it says eating red meat–any amount and any type– will shorten your life span. Then this article in the LA Times came out in March 2012 (followed by subsequent...
Vegetarian vs Meat: The Debate

Vegetarian vs Meat: The Debate

One of the most hotly debated topics in the nutrition world is the age old question: to eat meat, or not to eat meat? Isn’t a vegetarian diet healthier? Less saturated fat? Less heart disease? Less cancer? Live longer? I have been on both sides of the fence, and...