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Is Sugar Killing Us? My Answer May Surprise You

Is Sugar Killing Us? My Answer May Surprise You

Sugar. The sweet stuff is everywhere in our food supply and has been blamed for obesity, metabolic syndrome, inflammation, cancer, and diabetes. Though most people would say sugar is “bad,” there’s still quite a bit of debate on just how bad it is...
How to Age Quickly in 6 Easy Steps

How to Age Quickly in 6 Easy Steps

We all want to look younger. We’re bombarded every day with ads promising us the fountain of youth in this or that cream, pill, juice, or supplement. Beauty really does start within–feed yourself crap food filled with chemicals, preservatives, corn syrup,...
Sweeteners: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Sweeteners: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

One of the most common topics I navigate involves sugar, sugar substitutes, and natural sweeteners. We’ve all heard that sugar is toxic and that it’s responsible for making us fat; dietary fat is not the enemy here. Americans consume an average of 150...
A List of Things that Make You Fat

A List of Things that Make You Fat

Here is a list of the obvious and not-so-obvious foods and lifestyle habits that can pack on the pounds. Let’s break it down. 1. Gluten. I write so much about gluten that linking to each post would be excessive, but click here for a recent post about how gluten...
Can Diet Soda Cause Weight Gain?

Can Diet Soda Cause Weight Gain?

Do you drink diet sodas or use chemical sugar substitutes to avoid sugar and weight gain? Diet sodas may actually double your risk of obesity. Studies are showing that participants are 65 percent more likely to be overweight if they consumed one diet soda a day...
Stop Your Sugar Cravings (Recipe Included!)

Stop Your Sugar Cravings (Recipe Included!)

Sugar cravings have many causes, and when it comes down to it, willpower usually doesn’t win. But you can overcome sugar cravings and avoid falling victim to a sugar binge once you determine what’s causing your cravings. Let’s look at the ways sugar...
7 Ways to Boost Immune Health

7 Ways to Boost Immune Health

Many of us equate fall and winter with cold and flu season, but what if you made it through the entire season without getting sick? What if no one in your family–not your kids, your spouse–fell victim to whatever is going around? Sound too good to be true?...
Kick the Sugar Habit!

Kick the Sugar Habit!

I admit it. I have a sweet tooth. Big time. Ever since I was a kid, I took after my dad, who also loves the sweets. I’m not so much a hard candy gal, and I certainly don’t drink soda or sweetened drinks (yuck), and to be honest, I don’t care for...