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Anemia: The Surprising Cause

Anemia: The Surprising Cause

If you’ve been feeling tired, irritable, depressed, cold, and maybe even a little short of breath lately, listen up: this post is for you! (especially if you’ve been writing it off). I get blood work every year and recommend my clients request the same...
Got Bloat? SIBO: Causes and Solutions

Got Bloat? SIBO: Causes and Solutions

Digestive complaints are among the most common issue I hear, true of almost every client with whom I work. One of the more common complaints is, “by the end of the day, I look six months pregnant!” Bloating can of course be caused by many factors–...
Food Allergy Testing: Helpful or Hoax?

Food Allergy Testing: Helpful or Hoax?

Food allergy is getting a lot of buzz lately. If you experience recurring digestive issues, inflammation (like joint pain), skin issues, bloating, brain fog, or lethargy, something you are eating may be causing these symptoms. But is food allergy testing helpful to...
Drug Free Solutions for IBS

Drug Free Solutions for IBS

If you suffer with any inflammatory intestinal condition, you know that it can take over your life. I have clients who have a lot of anxiety about going out in public or to parties or events because they never know when a flare-up might hit, and what if there...
Avoiding the FODMAPS May Ease Your Bloating

Avoiding the FODMAPS May Ease Your Bloating

If you suffer from constipation, bloating, IBS, Crohn’s, or GERD, you’re probably frustrated with your symptoms and confused about what to eat and what to avoid. Maybe you’ve tried paleo or different gut healing diets and haven’t found success....