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How to Age Quickly in 6 Easy Steps

How to Age Quickly in 6 Easy Steps

We all want to look younger. We’re bombarded every day with ads promising us the fountain of youth in this or that cream, pill, juice, or supplement. Beauty really does start within–feed yourself crap food filled with chemicals, preservatives, corn syrup,...
How to Maintain Your Healthy Weight

How to Maintain Your Healthy Weight

Have you recently achieved your healthy weight? Congrats! If you’ve been on a weight loss plan, these are great guidelines to maintain your healthy weight. Let’s take a look at foods and habits that keep you feeling good and looking healthy. How to...
Good Sleep Hygiene

Good Sleep Hygiene

I’ve written about sleep before, but sleep is critical to good health. Just ask anyone who isn’t getting any! Let’s have a refresher. Poor sleep means waking frequently throughout the night, difficulty falling asleep, or waking up and not being able...
Solutions for Sound Sleep

Solutions for Sound Sleep

One of the most common concerns I run across with my clients is insomnia – the inability to sleep altogether, or trouble falling or staying asleep. Sleep is vital to good health and overall well being. Everyone knows that frazzled and fatigued feeling you get...