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How to Beat Brain Fog

How to Beat Brain Fog

Brain fog. It can feel like your brain short circuits; you struggle to find words; you have difficulty focusing on tasks and concentrating; you ‘space out;’ or you have trouble keeping up with conversations– or even reading this paragraph. Brain fog...
How to Use a Ketogenic Diet for Your Health Goals

How to Use a Ketogenic Diet for Your Health Goals

If you want to jumpstart weight loss, improve body composition, or lower blood sugar, a ketogenic diet can help you reach your goals. “Going keto” has become a mega fad recently–and I’m not a fan of fad diets–but the ketogenic diet has a...
Top Five Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Top Five Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Fasting is gaining a lot of traction lately due to its studied ability to reset your immune system (source) and boost weight loss (source). But you don’t have to fast for days at a time to reap the benefits. Intermittent fasting, the practice of cycling between...
6 Health Benefits of The Powerful Pomegranate

6 Health Benefits of The Powerful Pomegranate

Pomegranates used to seem exotic and high maintenance to me until I began regularly including them in my diet and studying more about their fascinating medicinal benefits. I don’t eat a lot of fruit, but I do love berries in a smoothie, and they too pack a huge...