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Allergies and Digestion?

Allergies and Digestion?

Researchers have reported that consumption of probiotics can alter the immune system response to common causes of allergies. “These data show that probiotic supplements modulate immune responses…and may have the potential to alleviate the severity of...
Allergies and Digestion?


We hear a lot about inflammation. Internally, it can be linked to accelerated aging, heart disease, cancer, irritable bowel and chron’s disease, and arthritis. So what is inflammation? Think about what happens when you cut your finger. It swells and turns red as...
Healthy Skin

Healthy Skin

Your skin is your largest organ and is often the first outward sign of internal imbalance. If you suffer from acne, rosacea, or problem skin, a few natural adjustments just may make all the difference. Conventional treatments include topical solutions that usually...
The SuperFoods You’re not Eating

The SuperFoods You’re not Eating

Forget all the buzz about acai berries (although, not a bad nutritional profile. however, how much longer until these “sustainably harvested” rainforest berries destroy some amazon environment?). Here is a remarkably unexotic list of some of the best foods...